Friday 20 October 2023

The 7 principles of Kybalion

The Kybalion is a book published in 1908, attributed to "Three Initiates," and is said to elaborate upon ancient Hermetic wisdom. The book presents seven Hermetic principles, which serve as the foundational concepts of Hermetic philosophy. These principles are:

1. **The Principle of Mentalism**: This principle posits that "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." It suggests that everything emanates from a single, universal consciousness.

2. **The Principle of Correspondence**: "As above, so below; as below, so above." This principle expresses the idea that there is a harmony or correspondence between the various planes of existence.

3. **The Principle of Vibration**: According to this principle, everything is in constant motion and vibration, from the tiniest particle to the largest galaxy.

4. **The Principle of Polarity**: This states that all things have opposites, and opposite states are identical in nature but differ in degree (e.g., hot and cold, light and darkness).

5. **The Principle of Rhythm**: Everything flows in and out, rises and falls, and follows a natural order or cycle. This principle suggests that there is a pattern, rise and fall, or flow to everything in existence.

6. **The Principle of Cause and Effect**: This principle posits that nothing happens by chance, and there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause.

7. **The Principle of Gender**: According to this principle, gender exists on all planes of existence and manifests as the masculine and feminine principles. This is not limited to biological sex but also includes mental and spiritual aspects.

These principles are considered to offer a foundational understanding of the natural laws that govern the metaphysical and physical world, according to Hermetic philosophy. They have been widely discussed and interpreted in various ways and are often used as a framework for understanding esoteric concepts.

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